Potato and White Bean Pierogi
If you’ve never had a pierogi then you have our condolences. Sure these dumpling-ravioli hybrids take some fuckin effort to make but good shit takes time.
If you’ve never had a pierogi then you have our condolences. Sure these dumpling-ravioli hybrids take some fuckin effort to make but good shit takes time.
You get 3 opportunities every day to eat tacos, over a week that's 21 chances.
Got some less-than-fresh veggies taking up valuable real estate in your fridge? Don’t toss them in the trash, roast those bitches. Just because something’s old doesn’t mean it’s worthless so CALL YOUR GRANDPARENTS.
If you're like us, you crave falafel regularly but WHO IN THE FUCK has a deep fryer? This recipe's got all the flavor you fancy AND it's a great way to sneak more spinach into your diet.
When it comes to something as essential as tacos, don't settle for some soggy sodium shell. Instead try these Jackfruit Carnitas for tacos, burritos, a salad, or just stand over the pot and go to town. NO JUDGEMENT.
In case you haven’t been outside lately, summer is here with a goddamn vengeance. Which means it’s burger season. But don’t fire up that rusty ass grill, you’re probably outta propane anyways.
You can still eat like a kid because NOSTALGIA ISN'T JUST FOR SHITTY MUSIC
Why do coworkers always ask what you ate for lunch? LEVEL UP YOUR SMALL TALK PATRICK OR GO BACK TO YOUR CORNER IN HR. Anyways, here’s a recipe for a soba noodle salad that's so dope that it’s a worthy steal from the shared fridge.
SWEET TAP DANCING MOSES WHY IS IT SO HOT IN MAY? EARTH, YOU OKAY BUDDY? Keep your core temp down this unusually warm-as-balls spring with a bowl of our cold sesame noodles.
Yeah, yeah, yeah all you banh mi purists WE KNOW this is far from traditional BUT our version of this Vietnamese classic is so goddamn good that it might just ruin all future sandwiches for you. YOU’VE BEEN WARNED. ENJOY AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Alfredo should NEVER be bought. This is prob the easiest, simplest, and classiest sauce to make at home. It's usually got a shitload of fat tho, which is just unnecessary especially if you're pourin it over carbs.