BOSH! Burger
In case you haven’t been outside lately, summer is here with a goddamn vengeance. Which means it’s burger season. But don’t fire up that rusty ass grill, you’re probably outta propane anyways. Instead kick it in the kitchen and bake these burgers.
Warm the olive oil in a medium sauté pan over medium heat. Add the onion ad let it cook until it is softened up and getting a little golden brown in spots, about 5-7 minutes. Run all the rest of the ingredients in a food processor until the mixture is blended up and no large chunks of beans remain. Pour that mixture into a large bowl with the sautéed onions and mix all that shit together. Form the mixture into 6 large patties and let em rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before cooking.
When you're ready to do the damn thing, warm up oven to 400 degrees. Spray the patties lightly with some oil and bake them for about 30 minutes, flipping burgers over halfway through. You want them to be golden on both sides. Serve them up with whatever the hell you like on a burger and enjoy. We like them with lettuce, pickles, ketchup, onions, tomatoes, and some non dairy cheese or avocado.
Recipe feat'd on FORKED UP episode with Ian Theasby and Henry Firth from their first cookbook BOSH! Simple Recipes, Amazing Food, All Plants
Fresh Herb Potato Salad
You can’t have a legit BBQ without a badass potato salad. But don’t be a dick and buy that nasty shit at the store. Make this instead; it is cheap as fuck and super easy.
Fresh Corn and Herb Pasta Salad
Ya know how you lied and said you’d actually bring something to the party this time? FUCKING DO IT. Did someone else bring a pasta salad?