Raspberry Dreamsicle Smoothie
To make the presentation more ✨exciting✨ for y’all, we poured half the smoothie in two glasses and froze them at a slant. When they were frozen firm enough, about 30 minutes, we mixed the remaining smoothie with 2 more tablespoons of vanilla non dairy yogurt and poured it on top. This creates that cool bifurcation you see in the photo and can make your smoothie spread that much more enticing. If you give a shit about that sort of thing. You can also just toss all the ingredients in the blender and zap that motherfucker. Do you.
Throw everything into a blender and, you know, blend. Done and done.
Strawberry Rosé Pancakes
Anyone who wakes up early on a weekend to go wait in a brunch line for an hour only to order pancakes is weak. Instead of spending stacks, stay home and make your own.
Poblano Potato Breakfast Tacos
You get 3 opportunities every day to eat tacos, over a week that's 21 chances.