Grilled Veggie Couscous Salad
Tired of the same old mayo-mess of pasta salad spoiling in the summer sun? Ditch that cream colored bullshit and get with this fiber rich son of a bitch.
Fall Challah
Bread isn’t all that hard to make, it just involves some patience. If you struggle with patience then maybe baking isn’t your thing.
Snap Pea and Radish Rice Noodles with Peanut Pesto
You’re not still fucking with some mayo-soaked pasta salad, right? Because that shit always gets left in the sun for the wasps. Fuck all that. Whip up a bowl of these next level noodles and start spring with SOME GODDAMN RESPECT FOR YOURSELF.
Spaghetti and Beanballs
Whether you’re spending Valentine’s Day with your significant other or your own sexy self, you’ve gotta fucking eat. But skip the expensive-ass restaurant and predictable chocolate covered whatever.
Chickpea and Barley Soup
This soup is hearty enough to fight off the last bits of cold weather but the lemon and dill make this shit feel bright and ready for spring. Never cooked with barley? Well this is a solid start for your uneducated ass.